Keira @ 12 Weeks

Keira is 12 weeks today! She is still eating very frequently but sleeping less, so we've been playing more! We have play time, tummy time and story time every day. It hasn't been too cold so we've been going for walks and still attending our support group at the hospital. Keira likes seeing the other babies and I enjoy the company of other new moms.

Keira's head control is getting stronger every day and she is getting such a little personality and making us laugh every day. We just love her so much!

Here's what we've been up to this week...

She loves putting her hands in her mouth 

Loves her playmat and smacking this blue elephant

Going for a ride in her baby KTan (we call it her monkey pouch)

Sporting some crazy bed head 

Wearing adorable ballet socks 

Stretching it out!

More stretching

Out for a walk on a cold day

Peek a boo

Having story time

Watching the SuperBowl with dad

"Hi mom"

1 comment:

  1. She looks SO BIG in that second to last pic! I can't believe she's already 3 months old.



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