Snapshots 12/22

A few pictures from the last couple weeks of life with our sweet baby girl

6 Weeks

Keira has been in our lives for 6 weeks, and we are still learning alot about each other. She is changing everyday and I think she is starting to know who we are now. 

Everyone is more comfortable together and we're enjoying being parents!

I had my follow up post-partum Appointment this week and the doctor says that everything is back to pre-baby status, all healed up. 

Our new life is getting into a groove!

Baby's First Financial Planning Meeting

Today Keira had her first meeting with our financial planner!

We are getting her college and wedding savings accounts all set up. Interest and time are your best friends when saving for the future so we are starting as early as possible! Thanks to our awesome Merrill Lynch advisor!

One Month Appointment

Today was Keira's one month appointment. Here are her new stats:

Height = 23" (97%)
Weight = 9lb, 15oz (66%)
Head Circumference = 14.75" (74%)

We can't believe how tall she is!

The doctor said that everything looks perfect! We are so happy to have a beautiful and healthy baby girl :-)

More of my Favorite Things (One Month)

Keira is one month now and I have some more things to report as helpful / can't live without!

Safety 1st LightUp baby nail clippers

OXO wipers dispenser 

Aden+Anais muslin blanket

Boppy pillow

Hooded bath towels

Boba baby carrier

Carter's fleece sleep sack

One Month

Keira is one month old today!

We are all adjusting to each other which has been overwhelming in good and frustrating ways. Breastfeeding and lack of sleep is exhausting but it was love at first sight with this little baby and that has made everything worth it- I don't mind being exhausted.

We had to reschedule our one month appointment due to inclement weather so we won't know until Friday how much bigger munchkin has gotten but I know that one thing has grown is the love in our family and our home :-)

Snapshots 12/07

Photos of Keira from this week:

Bath Time

Keira has not been a fan of baths so far. We got this really cool folding/collapsible bathtub that would fit better in our house since we don't have very much storage space and our bathrooms are freakishly small. So we stupidly donated a nice bathtub my sister had passed down to us. Now we understand why those large tubs are needed, because ours will be nice later on when baby can somewhat support herself but we quickly realized that we need a tub with a newborn sling. Keira liked this one much better, here's our bath experience!


I am trying to capture every little moment, and we have our DSLR camera out a lot but sometimes there's no time for a big camera so these are just snapshots from my iPhone:

They aren't fancy photos but to me they are just as special :-)