Snapshots 12/22

A few pictures from the last couple weeks of life with our sweet baby girl

6 Weeks

Keira has been in our lives for 6 weeks, and we are still learning alot about each other. She is changing everyday and I think she is starting to know who we are now. 

Everyone is more comfortable together and we're enjoying being parents!

I had my follow up post-partum Appointment this week and the doctor says that everything is back to pre-baby status, all healed up. 

Our new life is getting into a groove!

Baby's First Financial Planning Meeting

Today Keira had her first meeting with our financial planner!

We are getting her college and wedding savings accounts all set up. Interest and time are your best friends when saving for the future so we are starting as early as possible! Thanks to our awesome Merrill Lynch advisor!

One Month Appointment

Today was Keira's one month appointment. Here are her new stats:

Height = 23" (97%)
Weight = 9lb, 15oz (66%)
Head Circumference = 14.75" (74%)

We can't believe how tall she is!

The doctor said that everything looks perfect! We are so happy to have a beautiful and healthy baby girl :-)

More of my Favorite Things (One Month)

Keira is one month now and I have some more things to report as helpful / can't live without!

Safety 1st LightUp baby nail clippers

OXO wipers dispenser 

Aden+Anais muslin blanket

Boppy pillow

Hooded bath towels

Boba baby carrier

Carter's fleece sleep sack

One Month

Keira is one month old today!

We are all adjusting to each other which has been overwhelming in good and frustrating ways. Breastfeeding and lack of sleep is exhausting but it was love at first sight with this little baby and that has made everything worth it- I don't mind being exhausted.

We had to reschedule our one month appointment due to inclement weather so we won't know until Friday how much bigger munchkin has gotten but I know that one thing has grown is the love in our family and our home :-)

Snapshots 12/07

Photos of Keira from this week:

Bath Time

Keira has not been a fan of baths so far. We got this really cool folding/collapsible bathtub that would fit better in our house since we don't have very much storage space and our bathrooms are freakishly small. So we stupidly donated a nice bathtub my sister had passed down to us. Now we understand why those large tubs are needed, because ours will be nice later on when baby can somewhat support herself but we quickly realized that we need a tub with a newborn sling. Keira liked this one much better, here's our bath experience!


I am trying to capture every little moment, and we have our DSLR camera out a lot but sometimes there's no time for a big camera so these are just snapshots from my iPhone:

They aren't fancy photos but to me they are just as special :-)

New Mom Lessons

What I've Learned so far as a new mom:
-Velco and Muslin fabric do not mix.
-Always say yes to offered help.
-You can make a lot of meals out of a chicken.
-We have amazing and generous friends who have kept us fed.
-Don't forget to take your Advil!
-Babies get heavy, think about lifting some light weights during pregnancy.
-Blow drier is no longer part of daily routine.
-Baby carriers are awesome and a great way to reconnect with baby like when you were pregnant.
-Your baby falling asleep on you is the best thing in the world.
-Everything seems more emotional (football almost made me cry).
-Work seems so much less important.
-You have to constantly remind yourself not to do too much.

2 Week Appointment

Today was Keira's 2 Week Well Baby Visit. She was a trooper while they poked and prodded her. She is growing so much! 

Height = 22 inches (94th percentile)
Weight = 8lb 12oz (65th percentile)
Head Circumference = 14.5 inches (80th percentile)

She is totally adorable and just the sweetest baby-

We can't believe how tall she is getting! Her next appointment is in two weeks for one month checkup, when she will have to get a shot. 

Here is the information they gave us of what to expect the next couple weeks:

Baby Love

This is the new sleeping in late...

Mornings playing with baby :-)

2 Weeks Old

Keira is two weeks old today! She has already gotten so much bigger and much more alert and interactive. She will grab your hand and follow an object (briefly). She can lift her head and she is a very strong kicker.

She has pretty much outgrown her Newborn clothes and now is in 0-3 month.

She is also getting more and more adorable :-) 

It Takes a Village

This is a shout out to all of our wonderful friends who have been bringing by food, drinks, and support the past two weeks! 

Thank you so much!!!

Daily Dose of Cuteness

12 Days Postpartum

12 days later and I'm almost feeling back to normal, well it's a new normal - one that includes sleeping only in 3 hour (maximum) segments, and learning to make oatmeal while breastfeeding - but it  is my new normal and I like it.

My body has changed drastically in the past two weeks-

Pounds lost: 19
Pounds left to lose: 9

Baby Supplies- my favorite things

We received so many amazing adorable gifts at our baby shower and finally get to use them! Here are some of our favorite baby items so far (some gifts/some purchased by us):

-Boppy pillow
-Miracle blanket
-Halo sleep sack
-Bamboobies soothing pads
-Bravado nursing bras and tanks
-BoobEase balm
-OXO wipes dispenser
-Gerber kimono shirts
-Carter's zip-up sleepers
-Aden and Anais swadle blankets

Baby Pictures - Shutterfly Site

We've started a Shutterfly site to share all of our photos of Keira, please check it out!

8 Days PostPartum

Today is my first day on my own. So far, so good. I fed baby, showered, then we all went for a nice "long" walk like I used to do before 32 weeks and walking got more difficult.

So Hungry

Keira had her first pediatrician appointment on Wednesday and the doctor asked that we come back two days later for a visit with the lactation consultant (LC). She was about 6% below her birth weight, which is in the normal range, but doctor just wanted to check and make sure she was gaining appropriately.

So we all went today and the LC weighed her before and after a feeding, she wasn't even really done eating yet when she weighed her and she had already gained an ounce! The LC was VERY pleased with this and said that mom and baby were doing great. 

We got permission to not wake her up for feelings since she is eating so well. Keira lets us know when it's time to eat and when we don't listen, this is what happens!