Starting Solids: Part Two

Keira is now a pro at eating. She gets about a quarter of the food into her mouth and she enjoys shoveling it in there. We still feed her purees occasionally but she grabs the spoon away and insists on feeding herself.

Gift Ideas for a New Mom

So your friend/daughter/sister/cousin just had a baby and you want to get her something nice and useful. I used to always get flowers, baby clothes, or baby toiletries. As a recent new mom myself, I now know that there are lots of other things that a new mom would love.
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Here are some ideas for that special new mom in your life:

Lactation Cookies
Cookies are delicious, they help your milk supply, and give you energy/calories you need to take care of baby!
I recommend: MilkMakers Cookies.

Dining as a Family

One of the main reason I got behind the  Baby Led Weaning (BLW) concept was the idea that the whole family could eat together and eat the same thing. I look forward to Keira eating tandoori chicken and sushi right along with us.

From the very beginning we have always sat her at the table with us (even when she was a newborn, we put her bouncy chair up there). When she was a month or so we moved her to the high chair and filled her tray with toys. When she turned six months, we just switched out the toys for food. She is much happier sitting with us (she would cry if we left her in the swing across the room). We believe in the whole family being a "pack" and sticking together.

When the weekend rolls around we are happy to include Keira and Waldo in our "date night", where we dine alfresco and sip champagne (none of that for baby).

Mom's New Toys

I now know that despite the hundred things you register for and are generously given or purchase before baby comes can not possibly encompass all of the things you'll need (or want) once she arrives. About seven months ago, I thought we had everything in the world and more. We DO have so much that we truly appreciate. But sometimes you just want something else, something to make life easier, or better!

Here are some of my new toys to make taking care of baby easier and better (most of these were birthday gifts):

Keira's Favorite Toys @ 7 Months

Now that Keira is crawling she gets to pick which toys she plays with out of the bunch. She has also been known to pick up and dump an entire bin of toys.

Here are some of her favorite toys right now (at 7 months):

Fisher Price 6-piece puzzle
She loves puzzles, just like her Grammy! She crawls over to this time and time again.

Pull along giraffe music box
This plays "Toyland" when you pull it along and Keira got the biggest smile the first time I took it out!

Stackable Nesting Cups
These are perfect for banging on the tray when she's not eating or for throwing on the floor

who loves baby? Photo Album
She loves turning the pages and chewing on the smiling faces of her cousins Maggie, Adrianna and Natalie (sorry Jack, we'll get you in next time)

Guess Who Pooh book
She loves when Pooh plays peek a boo on the cover!

And here's what else we are reading right now:

We just signed up for the "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten" program through the library. We have a chart that we mark in every time we read a book - at every 100 books you get a prize. You can read the same books over and over, or all new books. We just started yesterday so we only have two, but it will be fun to chart our progress!  

Starting Solids: The First Month

I was so nervous about starting solids. Partly because a pediatrician told us to start at 4 months which is not current recommendation, and also because solids means Keira is growing up!

As the time got closer to her being six months I changed from nervous to excited! On May 10th, I got a banana and  cut it into a little handle for her to hold and try. She made a yucky face and we gave the rest to Waldo.

Two and Two

I lost two pounds in May and have two more to lose to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Maybe it's true that it takes nine months to put it on AND take it off!

I've been eating healthier, cooking more, walking tons, and wearing baby. I wore out my sneakers- there are actually holes in them. 

Through My Husband's Eyes

I downloaded all of Mike's photos from his phone when he changed jobs. 
He never posts, downloads or shows me the photos he takes so it was cool to look back and see the past year through his eyes. (I didn't include the several hundred golf related photos)

Here's a little peak for you:

Pregnant at 20 weeks in Florida