7 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Blueberry


Yesterday we sat in a small exam room and watched out baby's heartbeat on a screen for the first time. It was a completely surreal experience. Even now I can't stop thinking that there is another heart beating inside of me. Crazy!

Everything is good, I've got tons of pregnancy hormones (hCG) chugging through my blood and the baby is exactly the size it should be for my approximate due date of  NOVEMBER 15th. The hCG is making me a little nauseous in the morning and my low blood pressure gives me a little bit of light headedness if I get up too quickly, but I'm learning to live with these things.

The doctor said that I am unique and have Type A negative blood so I'll have to get a special shot later on in the pregnancy to make sure that my body doesn't reject the baby's blood.

On Sunday we will be telling our parents, grandma, siblings and niece and nephew. I'm SO ready to share the news with them already!

Sharing the News (Part 2)

Keeping secrets is hard. Especially when it is a HUGE secret. And you are trying to keep it from friends you see all the time, who are very suspicious of the secret you may be keeping; and who you really want to tell your secret to!

So... it happened to be that right when I was about 6 weeks, my friend Heather was going to be in town. Whenever she is town my group of girl friends always gets together and drinks wine and catches up. Problem #1- I can't drink wine. Problem #2- I'm a terrible liar. Problem #3- I have very suspicious friends. So I decided that I wouldn't be able to hide my pregnancy from them, and I realized I didn't want to.

Having big news isn't as exciting when you can't share it with the ones you love. And since Mike and I had already come to an agreement that the families would be finding out on Easter, I just HAD to tell my beloved girl friends, my bridal party, my confidants. Who could resist giving good news to these smiling faces?

6 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Sweet Pea


I couldn't resist doing a little shopping... bought my first maternity dress! I think my baby bump will look great sporting this dress in sunny Florida in a few weeks.

First Appointment

My first doctor's appointment was this past Thursday. The nurse asked a bunch of questions, took my weight and blood pressure. Then I met with my new doctor and she gave me lots of advice on how to stay healthy through the First Trimester. She said my uterus feels big like a softball.

Then I was sent down the hall to have a bunch of vials of blood drawn. I made an appointment for a follow up ultrasound. We decided to go in as early as possible to try to hear the heartbeat before we tell our families the big news on Easter.

They sent me home with a bunch of goodies!

5 Weeks

Baby is the Size of an Orange Seed

Sharing the News (Part 1)

I shared the news with my sister last weekend, I held out as long as possible (one and a half weeks). She was very excited and sent me this amazing package of pregnancy survival items. Check it out!

3 (and a half) Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Poppy Seed

Hopefully you can't tell I am pregnant yet, but let's see how this belly grows!

Here are the first pictures...

Celebrating Together

Congratulations, to each other!


It was March 04, 2013...


And the joyous celebration began...