20 Weeks

I am 20 weeks, which means I'm halfway through my pregnancy! Thinking back to when I found out that I was pregnant the first week of March it seems so long ago, but it also seems like the time has gone by quickly. I guess time passes easily when you have something exciting to look forward to!

I had a doctor's appointment today and she says everything looks good. Weight is on track (I've gained 9 pounds) and everything is measuring on track.

So here's the fun part, the pictures! (and thanks for Jen for the dress!)


Pregnant women says

Pregnant woman says:

-Can I put you on hold? I have to go to the bathroom.
-Would you massage my legs?
-I'm tired.
-I've ONLY gained 8 pounds!
-My digestive system is still working great!
-I walked for a whole twenty minutes!
-I'm having soup and marshmallows for dinner, would you like some too?
-Get me some rice!
-Maybe we should just get an Escalade or a panel van, that would surely fit all the baby stuff.
-Does that have caffeine in it?
-Is this cheese pasteurized?
-Yes I'd like my burger well-done.
-I'm going to take a nap during lunch.
-Can I just lay down here for a minute?
-Well technically those are my intestines that you are touching, but yes you can rub my belly.
-It's a girl!

19 Weeks

The Baby is the Size of a Mango

We are on probably our last trip (at least flight) until after the baby comes. A little visit with my dad, Ashley & Leo's wedding, and a visit with my mom.

Here I am in Jupiter for my 19 week pictures:

Having Some Work Done

... on our condo!

We had been talking about some of these improvements before we closed on the place, about 5 years ago- so it was about time.

Here are some "before" photos:
Powder room:


Living room:

Dining room:

And the "DURING" photos:
It was a mess and we had to basically stay out of the house all weekend...

Waldo kept getting into everything...

 But it was a worth it for the "After"... 

18 Weeks

The Baby is the Size of a Sweet Potato

Well it feels like my belly and chest are going to explode off of my body. I'm not even halfway there, so I am in for a big shock because I am certainly going to get bigger than this!

Sharing the News (Part ???)

I "came out" on Instagram with my 17 week photo and then just casually posted this photo on facebook:

Nobody has commented who didn't already know I was pregnant. Maybe I've done such a good job of letting people know in person that nobody had to find out from this photo? Or people are too polite to say anything?

Well the "secret" will surely not be a secret anymore after next weekend at Ashley's wedding, where there will be SO MANY friends from high school and I'm sure lots of photos taken and posted online.

Shortly after that we will announce the sex of the baby- keep an eye out for a post on Monday June 24th!

Two for Two

So in the past week I have gained TWO POUNDS and had TWO different men say to me "You look different! What's going on with you?" followed by a long stare at my belly.

It's official- I'm pregnant and everyone can tell.

6/14 - Turns out that I only gained ONE pound this week, whew!


Today I stopped at 7-Eleven to grab something for lunch. I ended up buying:
-Lucky Charms
-a Rice Krispie Treat
-a Naked Strawberry Banana Smoothie
-Two Bananas
and an US Weekly magazine.

Sounds like a pregnant women's shopping trip!

Are You Pregnant?

I had my first pregnancy "guess" today!

I was at a project site meeting this morning and we were  sitting around a huge conference table. The guy sitting next to me writes "November 26" on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I turn and say "what's this?", he says "nevermind".

Once the meeting was over he akwardly walked over to me and said "About that date, well this is presumptuous and very personal but ummmm...". I could tell he was sufferring with embarassment so I said "Yes I am pregnant" and patted my belly. Finally, he was able to speak coherently - "So when's the due date- is it November?". Me- "Yes! Novemeber 15th, and you are the first person to guess!"

Although this was someone akward it was exciting for me as the first time someone could TELL I was pregnant, and felt sure enough to actually say something. I've gotten a few glances here and there around the office, but this was huge (like my belly is getting).

It probably helps that after my last shopping trip I have a nice wardrobe of bump-accentuating clothes!

May - it just may be my favorite month!

May is my birthday month and now adding Mother's Day, it is just an awesome time of year for me. Not to mention the weather is starting to warm up and the flowers are blooming !

I was overwhelmed with the amount of LOVE I got this year for both these occasions. Check out the adorable baby/mommy-to-be cards I got:
(I think my favorite is the "bootie call!" card from my Aunt Kathy, it is hilarious AND adorable)

I also got some pretty amazing gifts for my birthday to get me ready to be a mom....

Motherhood Maternity and BABIES R US Gift Cards
The Motherhood Maternity card was gone within hours,
and I am too scared of opening the "flood gates"
of baby shopping to spend the BRU one yet, but
it will certainly be easily spent as we are newbies
and still need PLENTY of baby supplies!

Adjustable Sleep Pant (from A Pea in the Pod)
These are the best thing that could ever touch
your body while you are pregnant (maybe
except the epidural, but that comes later).
These are THE BEST!

I can take care of my growing belly: 
My mom sent this little kit that contains
Body Butter, Hand to Toe Wash,
Happy Spray, Stretch Oil (already used that!)
and Wellness Tea.

I can photograph my new baby: 
Everyone knows that love being an
amateur photographer and I find
children so fun to photograp. I can't
 imagine how much fun I'll have
photographing my OWN child.


I can bake cupcakes for my child to take to school:
Somehow I made it through two bridal showers
and a wedding without getting a single cupcake pan.
Now I can make cupcakes, carry them in my
carrying case and decorate them like a Pro!

And document the whole thing in my Moleskin Baby Journal!

T H A N K    Y O U   to all my friends and family
for making this the best year!  

And thank you to my thoughtful husband for giving me the gift of forgetting I am pregnant for one night while we spend an evening in Baltimore watching Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z get their Suit & Tie on !!!
Picture from: http://www.swaysuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Justin-Timberlake-Jay-Z-Grammys-2013-Suit-Tie-600x450.jpg