Review: ThredUP

ThredUP offers Like- New clothes from brands you love. It's like a fancy consignment store- online !

One part of their website offers a "clean out"- where you request a shopping bag, it's delivered to your door, you package up the clothes you no longer want, send them to ThredUP (with free shipping!), and they look through them. The items in like- new condition are accepted for consignment, the rest can either be donated on your behalf (I chose this option), or you can pay to have them shipped back to you.

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Originally Posted: Apr 10, 2015

This week I stopped pumping at work (at 17 months, I had been pumping since about 9 months). I was so nervous that I would feel terrible about it but I definitely enjoy not pumping! Keira nurses in the morning and as soon as we get home. I try to leave a little earlier now too, which is easier now that I'm not trying to fit the pump time into my day.

Great article about weaning from the pump, while continuing to breastfeed:
Here's a good question and answer about weaning from the pump:

The point is:
You can absolutely stop pumping and still keep breastfeeding!!!

Review: lucy activewear

Moms everywhere just want to look good without sacrificing comfort. Lucy has clothes you can move around and be a fun mom in and still look pulled together.
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Lucy even has a special section for favorites of Expecting and New Moms!

Yoga. Training. Running. Explore. Whatever activity you choose, lucy wants you to look good and feel good. We believe fitness should be stylish so we design workout clothes -- yoga pants and yoga tops, sports bras, running apparel, hoodies, skirts and dresses -- to support your active lifestyle. Women live in lucy all day long. We make workout clothes with your whole life in mind.

Take an additional 30% off sale items!

Here are my two favorite pieces:

The zipper pulls down the perfect amount for easy breastfeeding in this comfy sweatshirt. The sleeves are long and cozy, and the colors are fun and easy to pair with jeans or yoga pants.
Click the Image above to view this item on the Lucy site

Breastfeeding in my half-zip sweatshirt!

This jacket is super soft and so cozy. I love the large collar, the asymetrical zipper and the cool colors. The collar also rolls up to a turtleneck for those cooler days!
Click the Image above to view this item on the Lucy site
Check out the cozy roll collar on this jacket!

Free shipping on everything at

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