Mom's New Toys

I now know that despite the hundred things you register for and are generously given or purchase before baby comes can not possibly encompass all of the things you'll need (or want) once she arrives. About seven months ago, I thought we had everything in the world and more. We DO have so much that we truly appreciate. But sometimes you just want something else, something to make life easier, or better!

Here are some of my new toys to make taking care of baby easier and better (most of these were birthday gifts):

Boba Air Carrier
I absolutely love my Boba 3G carrier and used it all winter long. It's great to keep in the house, but it's slightly bulky and I'm slightly forgetful. The Boba Air is light, this thing weighs nothing. It also packs up into its own pocket. Did I mention that we love to go in the water in the summer and I can wear baby in the pool, lake, etc and not worry about heavy cotton? I now keep this in the car and use the traditional Boba in the house and for walks from home; this way I always have a carrier on hand. I use this carrier if I'm out or planning to go in the water. I've used it for two long trail walks and one hike and it's been great. It's also really comfortable as a back carrier and will last until Keira is 4 years old!

Coach Wristlet Wallet
I was gifted this little beauty by Mikes grandma. I had a wallet but it was quite big, didn't fit well into my diaper bag (now an essential quality), and I couldn't hold it hands-free. This strap has been helpful for throwing it on my wrist or reaching in my diaper bag and finding my wallet without even looking!

Joie Wavy Knife
This little kitchen tool makes prepping baby food a breeze! Keira can grab good much easier when it's crinkle cut!

JJ Cole Waterproof Blanket
This thing is great. I have already used it at least ten times. We brought it to a wine festival, it served as a play area on our recent road trip and it's the perfect spot to stretch out and relax in the shade at the park!

Baby Jogger City Versa Stroller
I walk, ALOT. Most days I take two walks a day. Yesterday I walked almost two hours. I try to time my walks with Keira's naps- she usually sleeps so well on walks. When we transitioned from car seat to stroller, she wouldn't sleep. I could see through the peek a boo stroller hood that she was looking for us. She wouldn't sleep facing forward. That doesn't work because in her car seat she sweats buckets. I really loved how lightweight and easy to transport my stroller was. It had excellent reviews and I see tons of people using them but it just wasn't working for us.   I was so fortunate to get matched up with a friend of family who was giving away the stroller I wanted. We are "paying it forward" by giving all our stroller accessories to my sister in law. We plan to sell our stroller to pay for the replacement accessories for our new stroller. 
On our first walk, Keira fell asleep in less than ten minutes, so I stopped to take this picture-

I am so lucky and so grateful that I have all of these things to keep me and baby happy. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a great feeling having a stroller you love. Buying our double stroller was one of the best baby purchases I've made and has made my life 1000 times easier.



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