Keira @ 14 Weeks

This week has been a challenge. Mike was gone all last week and then this week he was diagnosed with the flu.  Since our pediatrician recommended he stay 6 feet (minimum) away from us at all times and use a separate bathroom. Since our condo is only 1,000 SF and we only have one full bath this just seems infeasible. We decided it was best for the whole family if he stayed elsewhere. It had been hard for him physically and hard for the family to be separated. I've tried to really keep it together since I'm juggling teething baby who only naps if she is right next to me, dog who has to go outside three times a day and of course three days of snow. All with no car. So I've done a really good job not spending any money and cleaning out the cupboards!

Luckily Keira's smile always instantly cheers me up and inspires me to keep going. She has been super cute and sweet and she's got some new tricks this week!

We are now rolling over! She goes from her tummy to her back- it's cute and I cheer so much and she just looks at me like "what's the big deal?"

Last night I got her to let out a little giggle... I know that full on laugh is coming soon!

So here's our pics from this week:

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