32 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Small Watermelon

32 weeks - only 8 weeks left! That's 2 months! Less than 60 days!!

Weighing in at about 4 lbs and measuring around 19 inches, baby is practicing sucking, swallowing, and breathing. She is also accumulating more and more fat under her skin and getting a good workout kicking and punching me all day long! She is a very active baby.

Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) are now a very regular occurrence for me. It is a little distracting at work when you are talking to a coworker and you feel your uterus bunching up and hardening; or when the baby inside you starts swirling around inside.

Work is becoming more challenging at the beginning of the day (aka waking up in the morning) and at the end of the day (not leaving early to go home and go for a walk and sit on my couch). But I am hanging in there and still plan to work until I go into labor.

As I am 80% complete with my pregnancy and knowing that I could possibly deliver before Halloween (at 37 weeks), or not until the day after Thanksgiving (at 42 weeks). I am trying to savor these last couple of weeks because I know that I'll miss being pregnant once it is all over. So I decided to have a little fun with the 32-week bump and the camera today to make sure that I have something fun to remember my pregnancy!


1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how close you are already! You definitely have the pregnancy glow going on :)



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