My "One Year" Post to my BF Support Group

Here was my "one year" post to my Breastfeeding Support Group, and the group leader, Susan. They have been SUCH a big part of our success. I highly recommend joining a local group!

Dear Susan and Fellow Mamas, 
I truly know how quickly time can pass now that I have a baby.

I can't believe Keira is turning one year this weekend! I started attending Susan's group right before Christmas last year- it was one of my first outings with baby. Jess and Evan were two of the first mama/baby duos I remember, I came that day asking why was my baby wanting to eat for HOURS on end and Jess was quick to say "cluster feeding- totally normal". I was so relieved that it was normal and that validation kept me coming back. I attended group religiously from Dec to July, when Keira began crawling around and it was time for us to retire. For most of the spring and summer, Keira was the oldest baby at group and I was happy to share my experience with the newer moms; but it's a mutually beneficial relationship. One day, before group, a mom was there with her mom (baby's grandma) and she said "why do you keep coming if your baby is six months old and knows how to breastfeed?"... I told her for the support to KEEP breastfeeding. 

My initial breastfeeding goal was "let's give it a try, and hopefully we will make it 3 months". The group inspired me to continue by supporting me and making breastfeeding one of the easiest and most pleasant activities to do with my baby. It brings us both such joy and I feel so lucky to have such a great experience. Of course we have had our rough patches- lipase issues, plugged ducts, and EIGHT teeth to name a few. But we got through them all with the collective wisdom and support of the wonderful moms here.

You all introduced me to the Baby KTan- one of the greatest inventions and biggest lifesavers of the first six months; you helped me plan (in detail) how to navigate the airport and travel alone with a baby; you taught me about baby led weaning and allowed me the opportunity to try that with my daughter, who will now eat any food you put in front of her; and then when it was time to return to work (at 10 months), you gave me suggestions for travel coolers and bottle labels. 

It's a great feeling that I'm not alone in my breastfeeding journey. Thank you all for standing by my side! 

Kristi (Keira, ONE YEAR!) 


In less than 12 hours I received over 10 responses from members with cheers and thanks for being a role model. It was such a great chance to attend as a more experienced mom to "pay it forward". I also invited everyone in the group to follow my blog, so hopefully some of group has taken me up on that!

Thank you all so much!

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