36 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Honeydew Melon

Baby is now 6 pounds and 20 inches. Most of her systems (from circulatory to muscoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though her digestion system - which has only done practice runs so far - will kick into gear as she has her first meal. Although she will be considered full term in one week (at 37 weeks), we want her to stay put until 39 weeks. Then she's welcome to come anytime!

Here is my 36 week baby bump- good thing maternity dresses stretch so much!

We only have 4 weeks left until due date, and I'm trying to staying patient and focused at work. It's a good distraction and also the pay isn't bad ;-)

The nursery is pretty much DONE, pictures coming really soon. The carseat is going in this weekend, getting inspected next week, cosleeper will be set up this weekend, hospital bag is about halfway complete, and we've been stocking up on supplies for us for after baby (paper plates, plastic utensils, non-perishable food, paper towels, etc...)

I have not yet started waddling as I do not think baby has dropped down yet, I still feel a baby up in my rib area. My hands are slightly swolen (thank goodness for having two engagement rings!) and my feet are bigger and less tolerant than they used to be. It's all sandals, boots and sneakers for me.

Here is what 25 pounds look like:

We have another appointment next week (and every week after), so I will keep you all posted if there is anything new to report!


  1. You guys have got the preparations down. Your belly is perfect!

  2. That is the most perfect bump I've ever seen



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