35 Weeks

Baby is the size of a Large Cantaloupe

She could be 5.5 to 6 pounds and anywhere from 19 to 21 inches long.

Only 5 weeks (35) more days til my due date! She can arrive anytime after 37 weeks (only 2 weeks from now), or up to 42 weeks (7 weeks from today)- aka the day after Thanksgiving.

Braxton hicks are in full force and they are sort of uncomfortable as they squeeze my bladder. Baby is getting big and we watch her crazy kicking and stretching every night. It seems that she has actually flipped since yesterday! She has been facing my right side for weeks now and today she seems to be facing to  the left (all the kicks have moved from the right side to the left side).

I am feeling pretty good (compared to other 35 week pregnant women, I'm guessing based on all their complaints on the message boards I follow), but still have less energy than a non-pregnant person. I'm trying to store up my sleep! 

We are pretty ready (as we can be) for baby to come, we just have to hang a few things up in baby's room and this week we are getting the cosleeper ready so we can get used to it (me not tripping over it and Waldo having another bed in his space) and we are installing the car seat.

5 more weeks... 5 more weeks...

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