
Baby's official first word: "Hi."

She said "Hi" to everyone we pass at the grocery store. Of course the greeting also includes a cute little princess wave :-)

She is so outgoing and friendly towards everyone. Most people love it and say "hi" back!

Baby's First Shoes

Last Friday, Keira and I went shoe shopping together. Since she is now walking (still with assistance) we want her to be able to walk outside and not get dirty feet. I read that the best "first shoes" will have a thin sole, preferably made of leather. This is to best mimic the feeling of being barefoot. Babies should never wear shoes until they are walking, barefoot is best. There is a great article about it here: How Shoe Choices For Children Can Affect Foot Development

So the first store tried to convince me that these rubber sole shoes were best so we quickly left. A local toy store carried the PediPed brand that I had heard such good things about. A few minutes after we arrived I slipped the sparkly little shoes on Keira's feet and she never wanted to take them off- she wore them out of the store and all weekend!

You can check out the whole selection of PediPeds here:

Holding Hands

We took a little trip up to Shenandoah National Park this weekend and the best moment was watching my husband hold my daughters hand as she took some of her first steps. Melted my heart :-)

The views were pretty nice, too!

Lessons Learned

Every so often I think of something I would do slightly differently if I could have. So in order to remember these "constructive criticisms" for myself, I'm noting them in this blog post. Maybe they'll help some of the new moms out there at the same time!

(Note: We plan to have another baby some day, but not right now, hence why I need to write this stuff down, it might be a WHILE! I want to give my body a bare minimum of 18 months to recooperate)

- Be better prepared for labor. My labor progressed VERY fast before I could even get to the hospital. I had no idea what to do since I was just counting on my epidural to get me through. I did not think about what to do before epidural, but next time, I will be prepared.

- Have someone take pictures of YOU with your baby. We had many visitors come to the Hopsital and they all of course wanted pictures with Keira, but we only got a couple of us with her. Put yourselves first, parents!

Sick, Again

Our sweet baby is sick again... Mucous galore and a 102.4 F fever this evening. The doctors office couldn't be less concerned and indicated that this would be the norm for the next 3-4 months and she works her way through all of the daycare germs. Tough times! 

For now, the only cure is Ibuprofen and mommy cuddles...

... And sleep