Birth Day

4am- woke up to a strong contraction and as soon as i got out of bed my water broke

5am- arrive hospital, think I'm going to die, they check me and I'm 3cm dilated 

6:30am- finally receive epidural (the best thing in the world!)

7:00am- they check me again and I'm 10 cm dilated, but baby's head is still high so they tell us to just take a nap and let gravity work its magic

9:15am- gravity wasnt working fast enough so they started a little Pitocin

10:35am- Pitocin worked and we started pushing, doctor was doubtful she would "fit" because she had a big head (and it turns out, a big body) but by a through a small episiotomy she was able to easily come right out

11:08am- beautiful baby Keira is born!

She was 8lb, 7oz and 21 inches long.

1 comment:

  1. Your birth story is almost the same as my first. Way to go, sis! She's perfect... congrats again!



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