When I was pregnant, I read it in all the books, heard my doctors speech about it- and just thought
"I'm fine, that won't happen to me"
Everyone talks about postpartum depression, even celebrities get it (thanks for your honesty, Brook Shields). I recall my cousin's friend talking about it when I was visiting for her baby shower- it sounded terrible, but the friend did get help and was able to recover. So I was on the lookout for depression, even though I was convinced it wouldn't happen to me.
Soon after baby was delivered I started worrying, a lot. And when we got home, I worried even more. I couldn't stand the idea of sharp objects in the same room as the baby because I was convinced se would get hurt. I didn't want to take her near our balcony because I thought she would fall off. Then something even worse happened- I thought that since I was worrying so much and could even visualize these things happening, I started thinking that maybe I was a mentally ill person who would hurt their own baby. I mentally tortured myself thinking how much I loved my baby and how could I possibly be thinking these things. It wasn't getting any better and I felt like my brain was constantly battling itself. I was sure I would need to be checked into a mental institution, I cried thinking I would be taken away from my baby. I wasn't depressed, that wasn't it- this wasn't what the books and doctors described. On a long shot, I decided to google my symptoms and see what came up- and I found this checklist:
You may have postpartum anxiety or postpartum OCD if you have had a baby within the last 12 months and are experiencing some of these symptoms:
Your thoughts are racing. You can’t quiet your mind. You can’t settle down. You can’t relax.
You feel like you have to be doing something at all times. Cleaning bottles. Cleaning baby clothes.
Cleaning the house. Doing work. Entertaining the baby. Checking on the baby.
You are worried. Really worried. All. The. Time. Am I doing this right? Will my husband come home from his trip? Will the baby wake up? Is the baby eating enough? Is there something wrong with my baby that I’m missing? No matter what anyone says to reassure you it doesn’t help.