I discovered (by bottle refusing baby, vomit-smelling milk, and my breastfeeding support group) that I have an excess lipase issue. Due to this, my milk changes smell and taste much faster than normal. To stop this process, I have to scald my milk before it can be frozen. Freezing milk does not stop the process. I've found that my milk lasts a little less than 2 hours unrefigerated, and about 24 hours refrigerated. I've only frozen scalded milk.
The scalding process does slightly reduce the nutritional benefits of the milk, but as long as baby only gets scalded milk occasionally it is not a problem. This is why I do not have a big stash of milk and am not away from my baby very often or for long periods of time. I'm just starting to build up a supply now that I've eliminated dairy from my diet. Now daddy will be able to watch baby for periods of time without baby going hungry!
Here's how to handle your pumped milk (for excess lipase) in order to store it in the freezer.
1) Combine milk into one bottle, write measurement of volume on the storage bag you plan to use (bottle are more accurate than the bags)
2) Place bottle of milk in empty sauce pot, fill up with water to same level of milk and turn burner on medium high and heat until milk is 180F
3) Immediately remove bottle and put in bowl of cool water, then funnel milk into freezer bag (I used a flange!)
4) Put freezer bags into larger gallon storage bag -just in case of leaks, and to keep all the milk organized (Always store milk in the BACK of the freezer away from the varying temperatures of the door, lay flat on side)
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