Pay It Forward

We received so many wonderful hand me downs from both my sister and sister in law. We got clothes, towels, blankets, toys, books - the list goes on and on. It's been such a huge savings to not have to buy barely anything new and I'm so grateful for everything we received!

Now that Keira is 3 months she has already outgrown an incredible amount of clothes! So we got to packing up everything "neutal" to send down to my other sister in law, who is expecting her first baby (a boy) in August! Luckily, my sister loved giraffes so there's tons of outfits that are cute for a girl or boy! We were able to add some of our new stuff to the "stash" to pass along. Love that we're keeping it in the family and we can keep passing along baby goodies to each other!

Here's all the stuff we've packed up!

Now all this baby gear will go to good use with a third baby and we've got more room for new stuff as Keira grows bigger!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! So excited. Baby Lipp and I spent the day home sick. This cheered me up



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