28 Week Appointments

Today was full of appointments- 28 weeks is a big milestone... luckily Mike was able to be with me through all of the appointments and drive me around so it was much less stressful.

The first stop was to get an ultrasound, at my 20 week appointment they noted that my placenta was not quite far enough away from baby's exit path, so I was asked to come back at 28 weeks for another check. Good news is that the placenta is now out of the way, it's still close, but within the "normal" range. The not as good news is that while they were checking that out they discovered that I have a short cervix. It is still within normal range, but at the low end. Note to self to ask doctor about that later!

As a bonus to all this placenta and cervix checking we got to take another peak at baby and we got more photos! She is weighing in a 2lb 14oz and everything with her looked perfect.

Here's a 3D shot of her face, she has her hand in front of one eye and then you can see the umbilical cord near her chin. I'll spare you the details but they were again VERY CONFIDENT that she is indeed a female. Confirmed.

So here's one of those hands I've been feeling punching me in the stomach, POW!

And a sweet little profile shot of her face, gotta love the little baby face!
Next stop was the hospital lab to get blood drawn to verify my Rh status so that I can get my Rh injection later on today. That wasn't too bad, I have gotten my blood drawn enough during this pregnancy that it's commonplace now. So we took care of that and I went to work for a few hours. while the pathologists worked hard analyzing my blood sample.
Then... Back to the hospital lab! Rh is still negative (as expected with your first pregnancy, second time gets trickier; but we'll worry about that a few years from now), so this means its time for my Rhogam injection - yippee! This is me being totally optimistic about getting a giant needle stuck into my arm muscle:
It wasn't too bad after all, but I will tell you that this smile was quickly gone from my face once the phlebotomist came in...
Last stop- doctor's appointment! We quickly went over the cervix issue and she said that while this puts me at a ever so slightly higher risk of early labor, the risk is low enough that there are no preventative measures that she wanted to implement at this time, she will just keep checking it.  She also gave me a chart to start counting baby movements and said to come back in two weeks. Everything was good, my belly is measuring exactly on track.
That was my day!

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