Spring Giveaway! BellyMoms Nursing Top

Enter to win this gorgeous Royal Blue maternity and nursing top from BellyMoms!

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Easter Baskets Ideas for Toddlers

Easter is in just a couple of days, but thanks to Amazon Prime, you can get any of these items shipped to you, for free, in just TWO DAYS!

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Favorite Spring Nursing Tops from BellyMoms

The flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping, Spring is HERE!
You may have been hidden away all winter with your newborn, infant, or toddler, but now is the time to get out of the stuffy house and breathe in some fresh air! Ditch those sweatshirts and get yourself one of these cute, functional tops. You can leave your nursing cover at home, because these provide total discretion when nursing in public!

Here are my favorite spring nursing tops from BellyMoms Maternity and Nursingwear (you can tell they are my favorites since I've been wearing them non-stop for the past two and a half years!)

Happy Skin with Rodan+Fields

My skin is generally healthy but this past winter took its toll. Not to mention aging, sun exposure, and the stress of being a parent!

When my friend Mary contacted me about trying Rodan+Fields I was in the middle of putting body lotion on my face and washing with baby soap so I knew it was time to try something new. I love the fact that this company is founded by women!

The Second Baby

"When are you going to have another?"
I am asked this question all the time. People are getting antsy.

How to Love Your Built-Ins Again!

When we first purchased our condo, one of my favorite things was the huge wall of bookshelves. It was so functional, and was a great place to display some of favorite belongings. A few years later, we had used this as a dumping ground and they just felt messy, all the time.

Our New Anniversary Tradition - Family Portraits

To celebrate our five year anniversary, we woke up early, got dressed up, and spent the morning with our wedding photographer. You may remember, we did the same thing last year (except then we did the evening, too many bugs), you can see those photos here
These photos are so special to me. I love the nod to our wedding (the clip in my hair is from our wedding day), the fact that we got some of us nursing, and captured the special love between my daughter and her daddy. We hadn't planned on nursing photos, but I love how they turned out. 
Here's us celebrating our anniversary, and our family- at our home, on our condo building roof, and at a local park, taken last Fall (September 2015).