Favorite Baby Products @ 9 Months

Here are my favorite products right now:

Bumkins Bibs
You can hand wash these or machine wash them. They are light and waterproof, and they are cute!

Plum Organics
Keira and I are on the go all the time. Fresh fruit isn't always feasible so we needed some healthy and quick (and not messy) snacks. 

OXO Bath Bin
This sized-just-right bin is cute and practical. It comes off and scoops up all the baby stuff or stays put and just holds everything is place. I love this thing.

Quiet for a little while...

I have two weeks left of maternity leave and I'm trying to enjoy every second so the blog will be a bit quiet for a little while... (Crickets)

The (Baby) Weight is Over!

As they say- nine months on, and nine months off...

Today was the day that I finally reached pre-baby weight!

The Great Outdoors

Everything is better outside! We go for a walk every day and try to go to the park every other day. Keira loves playing with grass, sticks, leaves and dirt. Yup, she plays with dirt. We are lucky to live near so many parks!

Sticks make great teething toys-

A little picnic-

Why does grass taste so good?

And they have swings at the park!

Watching the big kids play-

Selfies are more fun with a baby-

There's a sleeping baby tucked in there-

The chlorinated pool water feels so good-

Being wrapped up and in daddy's arms feels even better-

A little back porch snoozing-

Virginia is just gorgeous in the summer-

And also relaxing-