33 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Pineapple

She is nearly 5 pounds and 18-19 inches long. We've been working hard getting the nursery finalized and everything ready for her arrival. We like spending time in there and we've been trying to get Waldo used to hanging out in there. Here's Mike relaxing in the rocker, contemplating baby girl names....

(this post contains Amazon Affiliate links - for your purchasing convenience!)

32 Week Ultrasound

We got to take our last detailed peek at baby this week. We'll have one more ultrasound at 36 weeks to guesstimate delivery weight and ensure baby is still head down. But that will just be at the doctor's office. This was our last appointment with the radiologist and they super fancy ($20,000 - Mike asked) ultrasound machine.

Baby is measuring one day ahead (Nov 14th) at 4 lbs 10 oz! 

Profile of her face:

Looking up her nose:

In case there were any doubts, she is definitely female:


Brought to you by...

 I realized today that this third trimester of pregnancy has been fueled mostly by rice and grapes.

-jasmine rice
-basmati rice
-Rice a Roni
-rice cakes


Seedless or not, I'll take them all and eat them right up!

32 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Small Watermelon

32 weeks - only 8 weeks left! That's 2 months! Less than 60 days!!

Weighing in at about 4 lbs and measuring around 19 inches, baby is practicing sucking, swallowing, and breathing. She is also accumulating more and more fat under her skin and getting a good workout kicking and punching me all day long! She is a very active baby.

Making a Nursery (Part 1)

We've been slowly working on the nursery for about 2 months now. I haven't really posted pictures, so we've got alot of catching up to do. We've painted, put together a crib, washed and put away many loads of laundry- and now we are finally at the point where we are ready to start the fun part, decorating!

Here's the story, in photos:

On the right is the lavender color we selected

31 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Pineapple

Baby is approximately 17 inches in length and weighs nearly 4 pounds. Baby can turn her head from side to side and her arms, legs and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She is moving around ALOT now too, I often see body parts kicking at my belly. The evenings are her most active time.

THANK YOU very much!

I'm hoping that some of you are new here- Welcome!

Hopefully everyone has received their thank you cards by now for all of the amazing baby shower gifts I received. Everyone was so generous, it was unbelievable. I am so appreciative of all of the love and support everyone has given us, we feel so much more ready now for baby.

I received one in identified gift, and Babies R Us was not able to tell us who sent this, can anyone identify the gift giver so that I can properly thank them?
KidKraft Nursing Stool

Thank you everyone! 
We can't wait for baby to meet all of you out there following along!

30 Weeks

Baby rivals a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. 
Length: about 15 3/4 inches, head to heel.
(Source: @babycenter)

We just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary, and it was a great day!

Are You There Yet?

I am at the point in my pregnancy where family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, neighbors, and random people on the street/elevator have started asking lots of questions and making some interesting comments about my pregnancy:

“Are you almost there?”

“When is your due date?”

“When’s your last day going to be?”

“How much longer will you be here?”