Baby Products 201

We are past the changing table covers and diapers. We are now into advanced baby products. Some I never even heard of before having a baby. But these are my new favorite things...

Baby Probiotics
Keira had some tummy troubles and these seems to be helping. You can buy these at Whole Foods in the refrigerated section. 

1,000 Books

Earlier this summer we signed up for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. It's a nationwide program but we are participating through our local library.

If you can't or don't want to go through the library, you can participate online via an iPhone App:

We just finished our first 100 books (since we started keeping track)!

We now regularly check out books to add a little variety, although reading the same book multiple times counts! 

You can check these out from your local library, or order these books on Amazon:

At this rate (about 100 books over 1.5 months), we will easily finish 1,000 books in the next year and a half. 

Reading is FUNdamental !

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Booby Traps

Such a clever name for the hurdles and challenges out there for moms trying to successfully breastfeed.

The term is one of the major campaigns of the Best for Babes organization, a group dedicated to defeating booby traps.


Now that Keira is mobile, and starting to stand, we are continuing the babyproofing. It's an iterative process, we started with the major things and then as Keira explores more- we babyproof more.

Here's some of the supplies we have used:

Hands free baby gate

Door (we decided to just keep the bathroom and closet doors closed at all times)

And we lowered the crib (after this happened)

Keep it safe!

ExpectingHappiness is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you purchase items through the links above, it is no additional cost to you, but the author of this blog makes a small amount of money as compensation for her referrals. 

A Picture is Worth...

...a thousand words!

We are having a fun summer!!!